Monday, December 7, 2009

Knitting and Kitties

My daughter's Christmas Tree....
I have been busy finishing up last minute gifts. I keep telling myself that I would not stress out but I do it to myself every year. Saturday night we went to my daughter's house in NH....she had put up her tree. Well, we were sitting there admiring it and all of a sudden it started to move forward....thank heaven my grandson was sitting in the chair right next to it and he made a great save....the tree is now tied...Looked beautiful. My daughter and I did some sewing before dinner and I finished a table runner for my dining room table. I am planning on doing my decorating today and tomorrow seeing as I am off from work.
My daughter's cat had kittens...almost ready to leave their mommy. I had to take some pictures. They are so cute and each one has such a personality. I am so tempted to take one but I don't think the two I have would like it...the two I have still don't like each other....

Well this is not getting my decorating done and I have two pair of fingerless gloves to make. My granddaughter asked if I would make her some as she loves them when she runs.

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