Thursday, March 19, 2009


Well, the news says it is spring...but I don't feel like it is as of yet....I have been very slow on working on any projects this week. It seems like I can't get out of my own way. I started a pair of socks about 4 times...ripped out and started over...I just can't decide which pattern to make with my yarn. I started out and realized they were coming out too rip out I did.....then they were too this time I am thinking I need to start something other then socks....maybe I am tired of doing socks...NOT
So I went looking for my notebook with all my other patterns...found a scarf pattern and started that....but I kept looking at my sock yarn sitting there and picked it up again. Now I have two projects going (two new projects) I have others going too...I also came across one sock missing it's you think I can remember what needles I used and now I am thinking it is going to be ripping again and start over...does this happen to any of you?
So, last night after dinner I decided to work on my socks and what little project is NOT where I left it.....but the ball of yarn is in my basket...not attached to anything. So I suddenly realize my darling cat, Sedona, has taken the sock somewhere....I found my project at the bottom of the cellar stairs, missing two needles and stitches coming apart. She knew I was mad at her...she never does this and I was surprised .... I think she is mad at me for something. So I had to rip back on the sock and start over...Last night before I went to bed I put the sock away where she can't get to it.
I am hoping today will be better then yesterday and I will accomplish somthing with the sock.
Next week we are going to Massachusetts for the weekend and I plan on a trip to the yarn store....maybe I will have some pics to show by then...
Happy knitting everyone.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Testing, testing....trying to see if my blog is working...