Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We spent Easter with our daughter and lots of relatives. Great day and great meal.
This is the new addition...our first great grandson....Brock. He is just one month old.. Here are the proud parents, our granddaughter Jacqui and grandson in law Keith with Brock. I can't believe how relaxed and comfortable the two of them are with the little one. It was such a joy to see them.

Of course we had to take lots of pictures so here is another one of the new mother with him.

I haven't done much for knitting this week. My husband and I are trying to paint and put down carpet in the room downstairs and make it our bedroom. Very large room and I just can't wait to get it finished. We , or I should say me....bought paint ...ah problem...didn't cover well so Sat we went to Home Depot and bought some Behr paint and were told it would do the job....The new rug is white with grey going through it....I know it will look great when it is done but boy getting there is a job. I have things all over the place....I had to move my sewing machine upstairs in the dining room...I am working on a quilt and helping my sister do hers...she hasn't sewn in sometime and she is doing a bang up job on her quilt. I will post pictures when we are done.....I had a problem with mine as I thought I had some tan material...I did ,but then remembered I used it in another quilt so now I have my quilt on hold until I can get down to buy some more. I do have material for another quilt which I may start later this week.
On another note...just want everyone to know that my daughter Pam, LULA KNITs...she is under the weather...she hasn't been feeling well for a few weeks and she is under the doctors care...Keep her in your thoughts and hopefully she will be up and running very soon.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Beautiful photos! Family is the best.