Sunday, May 24, 2009


There really isn't much going on with me in the knitting front. I am plugging away on my socks but my granddaughter asked if I would make her some scrub tops...of course Grammy would love to do that for her. I had some material on hand so thought I would make one to see if it would work size wise...well the girl is so tiny I have to take it in more then I thought...her mom was here yesterday and brought me some material to do two more for her....I am hoping to work on it tomorrow.

My friend is arriving on Wed. and she will be here until Mon. so the knitting and sewing will be on the back burner. Of course I checked the weather and it sounds like rain on Wed, Thurs and Fri....does not make me happy. I am sure we will find lots to do even if it is raining....We plan to go to the White Mts of a little in N Conway ...she wants some gifts to take home to her mom. If anyone out there knows of a yarn store in that area could you email me and let me know...I am always looking for something new..

Today we are heading to my brothers for a BBQ....thankfully he has a nice screened in porch in case it rains. Hubby and I spent yesterday in the yard..we planted day Lillie's and he put my screen house up for me. My aunt gave me lots of day Lilli's and between her and my daughter they tell me they will thrive and even spread...I am hoping so. I will try tomorrow when the sun is out to get some pictures to post. I also have my gorgeous oriole feeder that has attracted the orioles so I will try to get a photo of that for you. So have a great Memorial Day and say a prayer for all of those that have served and are serving this great country of ours.

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